Studio Feixen Sans Family 2.0
Designed by Felix Pfäffli and Robin Eberwein

Light 12px
Swiss German (Standard German: Schweizerdeutsch, Alemannic German: Schwiizerdütsch, Schwyzerdütsch, Schwiizertüütsch, Schwizertitsch Mundart, and others) is any of the Alemannic dialects spoken in the German-speaking part of Switzerland and in some Alpine communities in Northern Italy bordering Switzerland. Occasionally, the Alemannic dialects spoken in other countries are grouped together with Swiss German as well, especially the dialects of Liechtenstein and Austrian Vorarlberg, which are closely associated to Switzerland's.[3][4]
Book 12px
Schweizerdeutsch (Eigenbezeichnung Schwizerdütsch, Schwizertütsch, Schwyzerdütsch, Schwyzertü(ü)tsch, Schwiizertüütsch und ähnlich, französisch Suisse allemand, italienisch Svizzero tedesco, rätoromanisch Tudestg svizzer) ist eine Sammelbezeichnung für die in der Deutschschweiz von allen Gesellschaftsschichten gesprochenen alemannischen Dialekte. Überdacht wird das Schweizerdeutsche von der schweizerischen Varietät des Standarddeutschen, dem Schweizer Hochdeutsch (in der Schweiz: Hochdeutsch oder Schriftdeutsch), von dem es sich stark unterscheidet. Die Überdachung beschränkt sich vorwiegend auf den Wortschatz und hat keine regionalen, mehr oder weniger standardnahen Umgangssprachen hervorgebracht.[2]
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Le suisse allemand (Schwi(i)zerdü(ü)tsch, Schwy(y)zerdütsch, Schweizerdeutsch) désigne l'ensemble des dialectes alémaniques parlés en Suisse. Généralement, le terme comprend aussi les dialectes du Liechtenstein. Les dialectes suisses allemands sont étroitement apparentés à l'alsacien (plus particulièrement du Sundgau, et à l'exception des régions de Wissembourg et de Sarre-Union, de dialecte francique), aux dialectes de la région sud-ouest de l'Allemagne (notamment Fribourg-en-Brisgau), aux dialectes du Vorarlberg autrichien et à ceux des villages Walser des Alpes italiennes.
Semibold 12px
Lo svizzero tedesco (in tedesco: Schweizerdeutsch, in tedesco alemanno: Schwyzerdütsch, Schwiizertüütsch, Schwizertitsch) è un termine collettivo utilizzato per designare i dialetti del tedesco alemanno parlati in Svizzera dalla popolazione di lingua tedesca. Il termine «svizzero tedesco» è utilizzato in opposizione al tedesco standard (Hochdeutsch), il tedesco parlato in Germania e lingua ufficiale in 21 cantoni svizzeri. Da un punto di vista strettamente linguistico, i dialetti parlati in Svizzera non presentano differenze sostanziali rispetto agli idiomi vernacolari parlati nella regione del Vorarlberg in Austria, nel principato del Liechtenstein, nelle regioni limitrofe della Germania, in Alsazia (Francia) e nelle comunità walser dell'Italia settentrionale. Si tratta infatti tutte di varianti del tedesco alemanno.
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Suíço-alemão (Schweizerdeutsch, Schwyzerdütsch, Schwiizerdütsch, Schwyzertütsch) é qualquer um dos dialetos alemânicos falados na Suíça, no Liechtenstein e nas zonas fronteiriças da Áustria. O termo Hochdeutsch (alemão clássico) ou Schriftdeutsch (alemão escrito) é, no contexto suíço, frequentemente reservado para o alemão oficial (padrão). O suíço-alemão tem pronúncia basicamente diferente do alemão da Alemanha e da Áustria. É uma língua do grupo de línguas alemânicas, parte das Línguas germânicas ocidentais.
Regular 20px
Lo svizzero tedesco (in tedesco: Schweizerdeutsch, in tedesco alemanno: Schwyzerdütsch, Schwiizertüütsch, Schwizertitsch) è un termine collettivo utilizzato per designare i dialetti del tedesco alemanno parlati in Svizzera dalla popolazione di lingua tedesca. Il termine «svizzero tedesco» è utilizzato in opposizione al tedesco standard (Hochdeutsch), il tedesco parlato in Germania e lingua ufficiale in 21 cantoni svizzeri. Da un punto di vista strettamente linguistico, i dialetti parlati in Svizzera non presentano differenze sostanziali rispetto agli idiomi vernacolari parlati nella regione del Vorarlberg in Austria, nel principato del Liechtenstein, nelle regioni limitrofe della Germania, in Alsazia (Francia) e nelle comunità walser dell'Italia settentrionale. Si tratta infatti tutte di varianti del tedesco alemanno.
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El Sgüisser Tudesch (Alemàn: Schwyzerdütsch u Schwizerdütsch; Tudesch: Schweizerdeustch; Talian: Tedesco Svizzero; Ingles: Swiss German) a l'è 'l num daa ai dialet Alemàn parlaa int 'l teritori elvetegh de la pupulaziun lucala de l'inscí ciamada Sgüissera Tudesca (Deutschschweiz). Int'l teritori Elvetegh 'l Bass Alemàn l'é parlaa dumà a Basileja (Basel in Tudesch) e l'è ciamaa Tudesch de Basileja (Baseldütsch in Tudesch). La carateristega prinzipala de la parlada de Basileja a l'è la "k" che in prinzipi de parola la resta "k" [kʰ] inscambi de müdass in "ch" [x] u [χ] cumpagn di parlad Volt Alemàn, paresempi vün de Basileja 'l dis Kind inscambi de Chind per dì Bagaj.
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Schwyzerdütsch isch en Sammelbezeichnig für di säbe alemannische Dialekt, wo i de Schwyz gredt wärdet. In sim Buech «Was ist eigentlich Schweizerdeutsch?» definiärt dr Sprachwüsseschafter Arthur Baur scho im erschte Satz, dass Schwyzerdütsch d Umgangssproch sig, wo im alemannische Teil vo dr Schwyzerische Eidgenosseschaft allgemein gültig sig. Es sig die diräkti Fortsetzig vom Idiom, wo die alemannische Ywanderer mit sich broocht heige, wo sii sich in dr Schwyz niidergloo heige.
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El alemán de Suiza (en alemán Schweizerdeutsch, en alemán suizo Schwyzerdütsch, Schwiizerdütsch o Schwyzertütsch) es uno de los dialectos del idioma alemán hablados en Suiza, en Liechtenstein y en las zonas fronterizas de Austria. El término Hochdeutsch (alemán clásico) o Schriftdeutsch (alemán escrito) es, en el contexto suizo, frecuentemente reservado para el alemán oficial (estándar), no constituyendo así un dialecto suizo. El alemán regional de Suiza es una variante alemánica. La mayoría de los suizos de la zona germánica aprenden a hablar el alemán suizo en casa y en la calle. Cada región de esta parte de Suiza tiene su propia variante del dialecto, pero los hablantes consiguen generalmente entenderse entre sí. Existen excepciones cuando se trata de hablantes de regiones o valles remotos, que hablan un dialecto más particular, lo que hace a veces imposible la comunicación con otro suizo germanófono. Sin embargo, lo que se enseña en las escuelas y se habla en la mayor parte de los programas de televisión y radio, así como en los debates del parlamento nacional, es el alemán oficial. A pesar de ello, muchos suizos germanohablantes consideran el alemán oficial casi como una lengua extranjera.






Sans Edgy

Edgy Set 1

Ebnefluh, Geisshorn,
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Edgy Set 2

Jägerhorn, Trifthorn,
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Edgy Set 3

Barrhorn, Kinhorn,
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Piz Argient, Eiger,
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Calm it down

Ittigen is a municipality in the Bern-Mittelland administrative district in the canton of Bern in Switzerland. The municipality was formed in 1983 when it and Ostermundigen were separated from territory once part of Bolligen. Its placename is derived from the Alemannic German "at the people of the Ito", and first appeared in print in 1318 as Yttigen. In 1326 it was mentioned as villa de Ittigen.[3] Traces of prehistoric settlements have been found at Worblaufen (La Tene vessel with cremated remains, Roman coins and Early Medieval graves), in the Papiermühle neighborhood (5th or 6th century Early Medieval cemetery with about 30 graves), Neuhaus (Early Medieval graves) and in Wydacker (Seax).[3] While the small hamlets of Papiermühle, Schermen, Neuhaus, Badhaus developed on the valley floor, the farming villages of Ittigen and Worblaufen grew up on terraces in the low mountains above the valley.
ss01 - Edgy Set 2+ss05
Die Gemeinde Ittigen liegt nordöstlich direkt neben der Stadt Bern im unteren Worblental. Die anderen Nachbargemeinden sind Moosseedorf, Bolligen, Ostermundigen und Zollikofen. Durch die Gemeinde hindurch fliesst die Worble, welche im Ortsteil Worblaufen in die Aare mündet. Die Autobahn A1 durchquert die Gemeinde im Norden und Westen. Die Autobahnraststätte Grauholz an dieser Autobahn liegt im Gemeindegebiet. Höchster Punkt der Gemeinde ist der Mannenberg mit 688 m ü. M. Tiefster Punkt ist die Aare in Worblaufen mit 493 m ü. M. Die erste Erwähnung des Ortsteils Worblaufen datiert aus dem Jahr 1180, der Name Ittigen wurde 1380 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Im Mittelalter waren besonders die Papiermühlen und die Pulverstampfe bis über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt, was sich bis heute im Gemeindewappen widerspiegelt.
ss02 - Edgy Set 3+ss05
Ittigen est une ville et une commune suisse du canton de Berne, située dans l'arrondissement administratif de Berne-Mittelland. La plus ancienne occurrence du toponyme, Yttingen, date de 1318. Il connaît par la suite plusieurs variations : villa de Ittigen4 (1326), Jttingen (1389), Ytigen (1786) puis Ittigen (1870). Le préfixe correspond au nom d'une personne en vieux haut allemand (Ito ou Itto), tandis que le suffixe désigne un lieu. Ittigen signifie donc le lieu où se trouvent les Ito ou Itto. Écartelé de gueules et d'or, au second à la grenade de sable enflammée du premier, au troisième à une roue de moulin du troisième (trad.)5,6. La roue de moulin qui figure sur les armoiries de la commune rappelle l'ancien moulin de Schermenmühle, les deux anciens moulins à papier (Papiermühlen : zu Thal et Worblaufen) et les anciennes forges7. La grenade évoque les deux anciennes fabriques de poudre (à Schermen et Worblaufen)8.
ss01 - Edgy Set 2+ss03 - Rounded+ss05
Ittigen (toponimo tedesco) è un comune svizzero di 11 388 abitanti del Canton Berna, nella regione di Berna-Altipiano svizzero (circondario di Berna-Altipiano svizzero); ha lo status di città. Il comune di Ittigen è stato istituito nel 1983 per scorporo da quello di Bolligen[1]. Nel territorio comunale hanno sede diversi uffici federali, tra i quali l'Ufficio federale dell'ambiente. Tra le aziende con sede a Ittigen figura quella di telecomunicazioni Swisscom. Ittigen è servita dalle stazioni di Papiermühle e di Worblaufen sulla ferrovia Berna-Soletta. A Ittigen hanno sede l'Associazione Olimpica Svizzera e numerose federazioni sportive svizzere, tra le quali quelle di atletica leggera, judo e ju-jitsu, pallamano e tennistavolo.
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Alternates - Overview

Edgy Set 1
Edgy Set 2
Edgy Set 3
Calm it Down
Squared Dots
Double Storey a
Alternate g
Alternate S,s
Alternate y

Sans Mono

No Serifs

Nidwalden Hellbühl–Rigi Hergiswil
Light 12px
The Rigi (or Mount Rigi; also known as Queen of the Mountains) is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland. The whole massif is almost entirely surrounded by the water of three different bodies of water: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz. The range is in the Schwyzer Alps, and is split between the cantons of Schwyz and Lucerne, although the main summit, named Rigi Kulm, at 1,798 meters above sea level, lies within the canton of Schwyz. The Rigi Kulm Hotel, established in 1816, is located on the summit.[3] The Rigi Kulm and other areas, such as the resort of Rigi Kaltbad, are served by Europe's oldest mountain railways, the Rigi Railways. The whole area offers many activities such as skiing or sledging in the winter, and hiking in the summer.
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Die Rigi, auch der Rigi,[1] ist ein Bergmassiv zwischen dem Vierwaldstättersee, dem Zugersee und dem Lauerzersee in der Zentralschweiz. Höchster Gipfel ist mit einer Höhe von 1797,5 m ü. M. Rigi Kulm, ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel für Touristen. Etwas weniger hoch sind die weiteren Gipfel Rigi Hochflue (gelegentlich Hochfluh, nach Schweizer Landeskarte 1:25'000 Hoflue), Dossen, Rigi Scheidegg und Vitznauerstock (LU) = Gersauerstock (SZ). Im Humanismus – erstmals 1479 von Albrecht von Bonstetten – wurde der Name Rigi auf lateinisch Regina montium «Königin der Berge» zurückgeführt, womit die Erhabenheit und Schönheit des Berges charakterisiert werden sollte. Sprachgeschichtlich ist dies jedoch nicht haltbar. Im Bergnamen steckt vielmehr das schweizerdeutsche Gattungswort Rigi, was «horizontal laufende Schichtung, Streifen, Band» bedeutet.[2] Althochdeutsch *rigī ist eine Ableitung zu althochdeutsch rĩhan «umgürten; fälteln, auf einen Faden ziehen».
Medium 12px
Le Rigi est une montagne suisse située à proximité de Lucerne. Culminant à 1 797 m d'altitude au Rigi Kulm, c'est un but d'excursions prisé. Déjà au xviiie siècle, et grâce à sa position au bord du lac des Quatre-Cantons, le Rigi était un important but d'excursions. Son nom vient de l'alémanique Rigi « stratification horizontale, bande »2, d'après les bandes de rochers et d'herbe qui cernent la montagne d'ouest en est3. Les humanistes pensaient en revanche que le nom provenait de l'expression latine Regina montium, la « reine des montagnes ». Deux trains à crémaillère des Rigi Bahnen et un téléphérique mènent au sommet ; une station de ski s'y trouve, ainsi qu'un émetteur de télévision et une station météorologique automatique.
Semibold 12px
Il Rigi è una montagna al centro della Svizzera facente parte della catena montuosa delle Prealpi Svizzere. È detto anche localmente la "Regina delle Montagne". La vetta maggiore è la Rigi-Kulm, alta 1798 metri s.l.m., mentre la Rigi-Hochflue, Dossen, Rotstock e Rigi-Scheidegg sono progressivamente più basse. La montagna offre la possibilità di praticare numerose attività, tra cui sciare in inverno, fare passeggiate o praticare Nordic Walking in estate. Il Rigi fu riprodotto in un famoso dipinto di William Turner, The Blue Rigi, Sunrise. Una lunga, articolata, naturalistica descrizione dell’ascesa al Rigi è contenuta in una lettera che Victor Hugo, in viaggio nelle Alpi svizzere, scrisse alla moglie Adèle nel 1839. Questo scritto fa parte di Appunti di viaggio (Alpi e Pirenei) successivamente raccolti in volume. (In Italia, ripubblicato nel 2017 da Elliot: “In viaggio – Le Alpi”)
Light 22px
Le Rigi est une montagne suisse située à proximité de Lucerne. Culminant à 1 797 m d'altitude au Rigi Kulm, c'est un but d'excursions prisé. Déjà au xviiie siècle, et grâce à sa position au bord du lac des Quatre-Cantons, le Rigi était un important but d'excursions. Son nom vient de l'alémanique Rigi « stratification horizontale, bande »2, d'après les bandes de rochers et d'herbe qui cernent la montagne d'ouest en est3. Les humanistes pensaient en revanche que le nom provenait de l'expression latine Regina montium, la « reine des montagnes ». Deux trains à crémaillère des Rigi Bahnen et un téléphérique mènent au sommet ; une station de ski s'y trouve, ainsi qu'un émetteur de télévision et une station météorologique automatique.
Medium 22px
Il Rigi è una montagna al centro della Svizzera facente parte della catena montuosa delle Prealpi Svizzere. È detto anche localmente la "Regina delle Montagne". La vetta maggiore è la Rigi-Kulm, alta 1798 metri s.l.m., mentre la Rigi-Hochflue, Dossen, Rotstock e Rigi-Scheidegg sono progressivamente più basse. La montagna offre la possibilità di praticare numerose attività, tra cui sciare in inverno, fare passeggiate o praticare Nordic Walking in estate. Il Rigi fu riprodotto in un famoso dipinto di William Turner, The Blue Rigi, Sunrise. Una lunga, articolata, naturalistica descrizione dell’ascesa al Rigi è contenuta in una lettera che Victor Hugo, in viaggio nelle Alpi svizzere, scrisse alla moglie Adèle nel 1839. Questo scritto fa parte di Appunti di viaggio (Alpi e Pirenei) successivamente raccolti in volume. (In Italia, ripubblicato nel 2017 da Elliot: “In viaggio – Le Alpi”)

Curved Ends

Light 12px
The Grimsel Pass (German: Grimselpass; French: Col du Grimsel; Italian: Passo del Grimsel) is a mountain pass in Switzerland, crossing the Bernese Alps at an elevation of 2,164 metres (7,100 ft). The pass connects the Haslital, the upper valley of the river Aare, with the upper valley of the Rhône. In so doing, and as the Aare is a tributary of the Rhine, the pass crosses the continental divide between the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.[1] A paved road follows the pass, running 38 kilometres (24 mi) from Gletsch to Meiringen. The road is normally closed between October and May, due to the high snowfall on the pass. As it is the only direct road pass between the cantons of Bern and Valais across the Bernese Alps, attempts are made to keep the road open as long as possible with snow ploughs. A PostBus Switzerland service uses the pass several times a day, connecting Meiringen and Oberwald.[2][3][4] The Grimsel Pass road is part of the Aare Route, which is national cycle route 8 of Switzerland. It has been used on several occasions by the Tour de Suisse.[4]
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Der Grimselpass ist ein Schweizer Gebirgspass, der das Berner Oberland mit dem Oberwallis verbindet und die Berner von den Urner Alpen trennt. Innerhalb der Schweiz wird er oft in Kurzform als (die) Grimsel bezeichnet, seltener in männlicher Form (der Grimsel). Die Passhöhe (Kantonsgrenze) liegt auf 2163 m ü. M.[1] an der europäischen Wasserscheide zwischen Mittelmeer und Nordsee. Der historische Säumerpfad wurde im 19. Jahrhundert zu einer modernen Hochalpenstrasse ausgebaut, die im Sommer offen ist; ihr Scheitelpunkt liegt nur wenig nordöstlich auf Walliser Seite (2164 m ü. M.).[1]
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Le col du Grimsel (Grimselpass en allemand) est un col de Suisse situé à 2 164 mètres d'altitude1. Il relie Innertkirchen dans le Haslital (canton de Berne) à Gletsch (canton du Valais). Le col est sur la ligne de partage des eaux entre le Rhin et le Rhône. Il est globalement axé nord-sud, la rampe nord est plus longue et s'étale dans la vallée supérieure de l'Aar sur la commune de Guttannen. La rampe sud débute à Gletsch (commune d'Oberwald) qui est également le point de départ du col de la Furka. La route, ouverte en 1894, a une longueur de 33 kilomètres et une déclivité de 10 %. Un hospice fut également bâti au col. L'expansion de la piste muletière en une route a eu lieu relativement tard par rapport aux autres cols suisses. La nouvelle route a été achevée en 1894.
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Il passo del Grimsel, in tedesco Grimselpass, è un valico alpino della Svizzera alto 2.165 m. s.l.m. Collega Innertkirchen nel Canton Berna a Oberwald nel Canton Vallese. Il colle fa parte della separazione del bacino del Reno (alimentato dall'Aar) ed il bacino del Rodano. Dal punto di vista orografico separa nelle Alpi Bernesi le Alpi Urane (ad est) dalle Alpi Bernesi in senso stretto (ad ovest). La salita al colle da sud inizia a Gletsch (nel comune di Obergoms) che è ugualmente il punto di inizio della salita al passo della Furka. La salita dal versante nord è più lunga e si snoda nella valle superiore dell'Aar nel comune di Guttannen. Sopra il colle vi sono dei laghi artificiali creati da dighe.
Book 22px
Le col du Grimsel (Grimselpass en allemand) est un col de Suisse situé à 2 164 mètres d'altitude1. Il relie Innertkirchen dans le Haslital (canton de Berne) à Gletsch (canton du Valais). Le col est sur la ligne de partage des eaux entre le Rhin et le Rhône. Il est globalement axé nord-sud, la rampe nord est plus longue et s'étale dans la vallée supérieure de l'Aar sur la commune de Guttannen. La rampe sud débute à Gletsch (commune d'Oberwald) qui est également le point de départ du col de la Furka. La route, ouverte en 1894, a une longueur de 33 kilomètres et une déclivité de 10 %. Un hospice fut également bâti au col. L'expansion de la piste muletière en une route a eu lieu relativement tard par rapport aux autres cols suisses. La nouvelle route a été achevée en 1894.
Medium 22px
Il passo del Grimsel, in tedesco Grimselpass, è un valico alpino della Svizzera alto 2.165 m. s.l.m. Collega Innertkirchen nel Canton Berna a Oberwald nel Canton Vallese. Il colle fa parte della separazione del bacino del Reno (alimentato dall'Aar) ed il bacino del Rodano. Dal punto di vista orografico separa nelle Alpi Bernesi le Alpi Urane (ad est) dalle Alpi Bernesi in senso stretto (ad ovest). La salita al colle da sud inizia a Gletsch (nel comune di Obergoms) che è ugualmente il punto di inizio della salita al passo della Furka. La salita dal versante nord è più lunga e si snoda nella valle superiore dell'Aar nel comune di Guttannen. Sopra il colle vi sono dei laghi artificiali creati da dighe.

Thicker Dots

Oh: the! A-B;
[«btw» 20:(40-]
Ye...No, Hey?
Light 18px
As the "little" marks added «between» words, punctuat:on !s (like) a system of traffic signs: it guides the reader towards! the [intended] meaning of/the words just as road – signs «guide» drivers + to = their dest:nation! They* tell the "reader" when to go!? When to pause – when to stop, when to go again, when to pay close attent!on, and when to turn (Truss, 2003, p. 7). They’re also crucial for avoiding accidents. A paragraph without punctuation—no periods, commas, apostrophes, etc.—quickly spins out into utter nonsense and kills the reader’s understanding of the writer’s meaning.
Book 18px
As the "little" marks added «between» words, punctuat:on !s (like) a system of traffic signs: it guides the reader towards! the [intended] meaning of/the words just as road – signs «guide» drivers + to = their dest:nation! They* tell the "reader" when to go!? When to pause – when to stop, when to go again, when to pay close attent!on, and when to turn (Truss, 2003, p. 7). They’re also crucial for avoiding accidents. A paragraph without punctuation—no periods, commas, apostrophes, etc.—quickly spins out into utter nonsense and kills the reader’s understanding of the writer’s meaning.
Medium 18px
As the "little" marks added «between» words, punctuat:on !s (like) a system of traffic signs: it guides the reader towards! the [intended] meaning of/the words just as road – signs «guide» drivers + to = their dest:nation! They* tell the "reader" when to go!? When to pause – when to stop, when to go again, when to pay close attent!on, and when to turn (Truss, 2003, p. 7). They’re also crucial for avoiding accidents. A paragraph without punctuation—no periods, commas, apostrophes, etc.—quickly spins out into utter nonsense and kills the reader’s understanding of the writer’s meaning.
Bold 18px
As the "little" marks added «between» words, punctuat:on !s (like) a system of traffic signs: it guides the reader towards! the [intended] meaning of/the words just as road – signs «guide» drivers + to = their dest:nation! They* tell the "reader" when to go!? When to pause – when to stop, when to go again, when to pay close attent!on, and when to turn (Truss, 2003, p. 7). They’re also crucial for avoiding accidents. A paragraph without punctuation—no periods, commas, apostrophes, etc.—quickly spins out into utter nonsense and kills the reader’s understanding of the writer’s meaning.

Mono Ligatures

Mittaggüpfi Bris
Reeti Aiguilles
Light 12px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Book 12px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Medium 12px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Semibold 12px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Light 24px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Book 24px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,
Medium 36px
office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin, office, effect, effort, really, follow, summit, valley, public, little, policy, during, period, series, better, little, matter, coffin, affirm, differ, common, fifing, little, bitter, summer, litter, attire, hottie, cattie, wholly, fellow, dollar, miller, yellow, writer, friend, spring, driven, spirit, bridge, suffix, offing, muffin, effigy, puffin, tiffin,

The Usual Suspects

Medium 12px
The 1804 play William Tell by Friedrich Schiller did much to establish the reputation of Lucerne and its environs.[9] Schiller himself had not been to Lucerne, but was inspired to write the play by his wife Lotte and his friend Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who had both personally visited the city and its surrounding canton. Goethe had lodged in the Hirschenplatz on his route to Italy in 1779.[10]
Double Storey a
Medium 12px
In August 1993, the Kapellbrücke in the centre of the city suffered from a great fire which destroyed two thirds of its interior paintings.[18] The bridge was subsequently reconstructed and reopened to the public in April 1994, after a total of CHF 3.4 million was spent on its repair.[19] Among the growing towns of the confederacy, Lucerne was especially popular in attracting new residents. Remaining predominantly Catholic, Lucerne hosted its own annual passion play from 1453 to 1616, a two-day-long play of 12 hours performance per day.[7] As the confederacy broke up during the Reformation, after 1520, most nearby cities became Protestant, but Lucerne remained Catholic.
Alternate y
Medium 12px
On June 17, 2007, voters of the city of Lucerne and the adjacent town of Littau agreed to a merger in a simultaneous referendum. This took effect on January 1, 2010.[20] The new city, still called Lucerne, has a population of around 80,000 people, making it the seventh-largest city in Switzerland. The results of this referendum are expected to pave the way for negotiations with other nearby cities and towns in an effort to create a unified city-region, based on the results of a study.[21]
Double Storey g
Medium 12px
The origin of the name is uncertain, it is possibly derived from the Latin name of the pike, lucius, thus designating a pike fishing spot in the river Reuss. Derivation from the theonym Lugus has been suggested but is phonetically implausible. In any case, the name was associated by popular etymology with Latin lucerna "lantern" from an early time.[6]
Medium 14px
The 1804 play William Tell by Friedrich Schiller did much to establish the reputation of Lucerne and its environs.[9] Schiller himself had not been to Lucerne, but was inspired to write the play by his wife Lotte and his friend Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who had both personally visited the city and its surrounding canton. Goethe had lodged in the Hirschenplatz on his route to Italy in 1779.[10]
Medium 14px
In August 1993, the Kapellbrücke in the centre of the city suffered from a great fire which destroyed two thirds of its interior paintings.[18] The bridge was subsequently reconstructed and reopened to the public in April 1994, after a total of CHF 3.4 million was spent on its repair.[19] Among the growing towns of the confederacy, Lucerne was especially popular in attracting new residents. Remaining predominantly Catholic, Lucerne hosted its own annual passion play from 1453 to 1616, a two-day-long play of 12 hours performance per day.[7] As the confederacy broke up during the Reformation, after 1520, most nearby cities became Protestant, but Lucerne remained Catholic.
Medium 14px
On June 17, 2007, voters of the city of Lucerne and the adjacent town of Littau agreed to a merger in a simultaneous referendum. This took effect on January 1, 2010.[20] The new city, still called Lucerne, has a population of around 80,000 people, making it the seventh-largest city in Switzerland. The results of this referendum are expected to pave the way for negotiations with other nearby cities and towns in an effort to create a unified city-region, based on the results of a study.[21]
Medium 14px
The origin of the name is uncertain, it is possibly derived from the Latin name of the pike, lucius, thus designating a pike fishing spot in the river Reuss. Derivation from the theonym Lugus has been suggested but is phonetically implausible. In any case, the name was associated by popular etymology with Latin lucerna "lantern" from an early time.[6]
Medium 16px
The 1804 play William Tell by Friedrich Schiller did much to establish the reputation of Lucerne and its environs.[9] Schiller himself had not been to Lucerne, but was inspired to write the play by his wife Lotte and his friend Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who had both personally visited the city and its surrounding canton. Goethe had lodged in the Hirschenplatz on his route to Italy in 1779.[10]
Medium 16px
In August 1993, the Kapellbrücke in the centre of the city suffered from a great fire which destroyed two thirds of its interior paintings.[18] The bridge was subsequently reconstructed and reopened to the public in April 1994, after a total of CHF 3.4 million was spent on its repair.[19] Among the growing towns of the confederacy, Lucerne was especially popular in attracting new residents. Remaining predominantly Catholic, Lucerne hosted its own annual passion play from 1453 to 1616, a two-day-long play of 12 hours performance per day.[7] As the confederacy broke up during the Reformation, after 1520, most nearby cities became Protestant, but Lucerne remained Catholic.
Medium 16px
On June 17, 2007, voters of the city of Lucerne and the adjacent town of Littau agreed to a merger in a simultaneous referendum. This took effect on January 1, 2010.[20] The new city, still called Lucerne, has a population of around 80,000 people, making it the seventh-largest city in Switzerland. The results of this referendum are expected to pave the way for negotiations with other nearby cities and towns in an effort to create a unified city-region, based on the results of a study.[21]
Medium 16px
The origin of the name is uncertain, it is possibly derived from the Latin name of the pike, lucius, thus designating a pike fishing spot in the river Reuss. Derivation from the theonym Lugus has been suggested but is phonetically implausible. In any case, the name was associated by popular etymology with Latin lucerna "lantern" from an early time.[6]

Alternates - Overview

Double Storey a
Alternative y
Double Storey g
No Serifs
Curved Ends
Small Size Numbers
Thicker Dots
Mono Ligatures
The Alien :-)
Slashed Zero
Dotted Zero


Vertical Cut

4561 Mountains
Exceeding 2321m
in Switzerland.

Headline Letters

in Germany, also

The Usual Suspects

Medium 12px
The Gamspleisspitze (German, also Gemspleisspitze) or Paraid Naira (Romansh) is a mountain of the Silvretta Alps, located on the border between Austria and Switzerland. From this peak, the border approaching south from the Fluchthorn departs east to intersect the neighboring valley in an Austrian lower (north) part named Fimbatal and an uninhabited Swiss upper (south) part, named Val Fenga. On the Austrian west site lies the also uninhabited Larein valley. 1. Swisstopo maps 2. Gottlieb Studer, Über Eis und Schnee, Volume 3, Bern 1899, p. 397 3. The BEV's digital map of Austria
Double Storey a
Medium 12px
Die Gamspleisspitze, auch Gemspleisspitze, rätoromanisch im Idiom Vallader Paraid Naira (schwarze Wand), ist ein 3015 m hoher Gipfel in der Silvrettagruppe der Zentralen Ostalpen. Nach der amtlichen Landeskarte der Schweiz ist Gemspleisspitze der Name des Hauptgipfels, Paraid Naira im eigentlichen Sinne derjenige des südlich liegenden 2889 m hohen Nebengipfels. Der Gipfel befindet sich zwischen Nordtiroler Paznaun und Graubündner Unterengadin. Er liegt im Kamm des Fluchthornes (3398 m, südlich), dem Larainkamm der Ostsilvretta, der das Fimbatal (Val Fenga) vom westlicheren Lareintal trennt, also auf der österreichischen Seite der Silvretta. Das obere Fimbatal gehört von alters her zum Engadin, daher bildet der Gipfel die Grenze von Ischgl, Bezirk Landeck von Tirol und Valsot, Kreis Ramosch des Kantons Graubünden, und die österreichisch-schweizerische Staatsgrenze.
Alternate y
Medium 12px
Gemspleisspitze är en bergstopp i Schweiz. Den ligger i regionen Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair och kantonen Graubünden, i den östra delen av landet, 210 km öster om huvudstaden Bern. Toppen på Gemspleisspitze är 2 952 meter över havet, eller 265 meter över den omgivande terrängen. Bredden vid basen är 5,5 km. Terrängen runt Gemspleisspitze är bergig norrut, men söderut är den kuperad. Den högsta punkten i närheten är 3 366 meter över havet, 4,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Runt Gemspleisspitze är det glesbefolkat, med 8 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Närmaste större samhälle är Scuol, 15,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Trakten runt Gemspleisspitze består i huvudsak av gräsmarker.
Double Storey g
Medium 12px
Tumoy sa bukid ang Gemspleisspitze sa Nasod nga Swiss. Nahimutang ni sa distrito sa Inn District ug kanton sa Kanton Graubünden, sa sidlakang bahin sa nasod, 210 km sa sidlakan sa Bern ang ulohan sa nasod. 2,952 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Gemspleisspitze, o 265 ka metros sa ibabaw sa naglibot nga tereyn[saysay 1]. Mga 5.5 ka kilometro ang gilapdon sa tiilan niini. Ang yuta palibot sa Gemspleisspitze kabukiran sa amihanan, apan sa habagatan nga kini mao ang kabungtoran.
Medium 16px
The Gamspleisspitze (German, also Gemspleisspitze) or Paraid Naira (Romansh) is a mountain of the Silvretta Alps, located on the border between Austria and Switzerland. From this peak, the border approaching south from the Fluchthorn departs east to intersect the neighboring valley in an Austrian lower (north) part named Fimbatal and an uninhabited Swiss upper (south) part, named Val Fenga. On the Austrian west site lies the also uninhabited Larein valley. 1. Swisstopo maps 2. Gottlieb Studer, Über Eis und Schnee, Volume 3, Bern 1899, p. 397 3. The BEV's digital map of Austria
Medium 16px
Die Gamspleisspitze, auch Gemspleisspitze, rätoromanisch im Idiom Vallader Paraid Naira (schwarze Wand), ist ein 3015 m hoher Gipfel in der Silvrettagruppe der Zentralen Ostalpen. Nach der amtlichen Landeskarte der Schweiz ist Gemspleisspitze der Name des Hauptgipfels, Paraid Naira im eigentlichen Sinne derjenige des südlich liegenden 2889 m hohen Nebengipfels. Der Gipfel befindet sich zwischen Nordtiroler Paznaun und Graubündner Unterengadin. Er liegt im Kamm des Fluchthornes (3398 m, südlich), dem Larainkamm der Ostsilvretta, der das Fimbatal (Val Fenga) vom westlicheren Lareintal trennt, also auf der österreichischen Seite der Silvretta. Das obere Fimbatal gehört von alters her zum Engadin, daher bildet der Gipfel die Grenze von Ischgl, Bezirk Landeck von Tirol und Valsot, Kreis Ramosch des Kantons Graubünden, und die österreichisch-schweizerische Staatsgrenze.
Medium 16px
Gemspleisspitze är en bergstopp i Schweiz. Den ligger i regionen Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair och kantonen Graubünden, i den östra delen av landet, 210 km öster om huvudstaden Bern. Toppen på Gemspleisspitze är 2 952 meter över havet, eller 265 meter över den omgivande terrängen. Bredden vid basen är 5,5 km. Terrängen runt Gemspleisspitze är bergig norrut, men söderut är den kuperad. Den högsta punkten i närheten är 3 366 meter över havet, 4,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Runt Gemspleisspitze är det glesbefolkat, med 8 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Närmaste större samhälle är Scuol, 15,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Trakten runt Gemspleisspitze består i huvudsak av gräsmarker.
Medium 16px
Tumoy sa bukid ang Gemspleisspitze sa Nasod nga Swiss. Nahimutang ni sa distrito sa Inn District ug kanton sa Kanton Graubünden, sa sidlakang bahin sa nasod, 210 km sa sidlakan sa Bern ang ulohan sa nasod. 2,952 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Gemspleisspitze, o 265 ka metros sa ibabaw sa naglibot nga tereyn[saysay 1]. Mga 5.5 ka kilometro ang gilapdon sa tiilan niini. Ang yuta palibot sa Gemspleisspitze kabukiran sa amihanan, apan sa habagatan nga kini mao ang kabungtoran.
Medium 18px
The Gamspleisspitze (German, also Gemspleisspitze) or Paraid Naira (Romansh) is a mountain of the Silvretta Alps, located on the border between Austria and Switzerland. From this peak, the border approaching south from the Fluchthorn departs east to intersect the neighboring valley in an Austrian lower (north) part named Fimbatal and an uninhabited Swiss upper (south) part, named Val Fenga. On the Austrian west site lies the also uninhabited Larein valley. 1. Swisstopo maps 2. Gottlieb Studer, Über Eis und Schnee, Volume 3, Bern 1899, p. 397 3. The BEV's digital map of Austria
Medium 18px
Die Gamspleisspitze, auch Gemspleisspitze, rätoromanisch im Idiom Vallader Paraid Naira (schwarze Wand), ist ein 3015 m hoher Gipfel in der Silvrettagruppe der Zentralen Ostalpen. Nach der amtlichen Landeskarte der Schweiz ist Gemspleisspitze der Name des Hauptgipfels, Paraid Naira im eigentlichen Sinne derjenige des südlich liegenden 2889 m hohen Nebengipfels. Der Gipfel befindet sich zwischen Nordtiroler Paznaun und Graubündner Unterengadin. Er liegt im Kamm des Fluchthornes (3398 m, südlich), dem Larainkamm der Ostsilvretta, der das Fimbatal (Val Fenga) vom westlicheren Lareintal trennt, also auf der österreichischen Seite der Silvretta. Das obere Fimbatal gehört von alters her zum Engadin, daher bildet der Gipfel die Grenze von Ischgl, Bezirk Landeck von Tirol und Valsot, Kreis Ramosch des Kantons Graubünden, und die österreichisch-schweizerische Staatsgrenze.
Medium 18px
Gemspleisspitze är en bergstopp i Schweiz. Den ligger i regionen Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair och kantonen Graubünden, i den östra delen av landet, 210 km öster om huvudstaden Bern. Toppen på Gemspleisspitze är 2 952 meter över havet, eller 265 meter över den omgivande terrängen. Bredden vid basen är 5,5 km. Terrängen runt Gemspleisspitze är bergig norrut, men söderut är den kuperad. Den högsta punkten i närheten är 3 366 meter över havet, 4,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Runt Gemspleisspitze är det glesbefolkat, med 8 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Närmaste större samhälle är Scuol, 15,7 km söder om Gemspleisspitze. Trakten runt Gemspleisspitze består i huvudsak av gräsmarker.
Medium 18px
Tumoy sa bukid ang Gemspleisspitze sa Nasod nga Swiss. Nahimutang ni sa distrito sa Inn District ug kanton sa Kanton Graubünden, sa sidlakang bahin sa nasod, 210 km sa sidlakan sa Bern ang ulohan sa nasod. 2,952 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Gemspleisspitze, o 265 ka metros sa ibabaw sa naglibot nga tereyn[saysay 1]. Mga 5.5 ka kilometro ang gilapdon sa tiilan niini. Ang yuta palibot sa Gemspleisspitze kabukiran sa amihanan, apan sa habagatan nga kini mao ang kabungtoran.

Alternates - Overview

Double Storey a
Alternative y
Double Storey g
Vertical Cut
Small-Size Numbers
Normalized g,y
Headline Letters

Basic Icons

🕒 14.00? At 📍!
🚆? or 🚌! 🍹 ⌇ 🍔?
📅 24.Dez ✔!
📅 Date
🕒 Time
📍 Location
ℹ Info
℡ Tel
📧 Mail
🏷 Social
💬 Chat
🚲 Bycicle
🚗 Car
🚌 Autobus
🚆 Train
🍹 Drink
🍔 Food
♿ Wheelchair
⌂ Home
☮ Peace
👪 Group
🚫 Don’t
❗ Attention
⌇ Stroke
➰ Curl
⦚ Zig Zag
𐚷 Maze

□ To Do
⊡ Done
☑ Checked
❎ Not Done
○ To Do
⏽ Done
✓ Checked
˟ Not Done
→ Big
← Big
⭢ Small
⭠ Small


Bullet Numbers Outline
Oldstyle Numbers
Bullet Numbers Filled
Slashed Zero
100 200 300
Tabular Numbers

OpenType Features

Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Contextual Alternates
Contextual Alternates

Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms
Case Sensitive Forms

Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures


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Glyphs Overview 350 of 3852 Glyphs (Sans 852, Edgy 2956, Mono 1044)
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